I am going to show you “How I took ideas from my coaches and turned it into a million-dollar-a-year “Healthcare” business”
I know as a practice owner, there are a lot of moving parts, maybe it feels like you’re wearing all the hats. Struggling with seeing clients and getting stuck working in the business rather than working on the business. And perhaps your struggling to take things to the next level. If so, your in luck because I am going to show you what I did to go from a slave to my business to being 100% on my business creating a business that can continue to grow without me.
Hi my name is Corey and I run a physio practice StudioXphys and also a coaching company Amplify your practice
Just over 3 years ago, I was a New healthcare practice owner struggling to make a profit. I really wanted to grow my practice to multiple team members so I wouldn’t have to continue to work so hard and barely pay myself.
I wanted to be able to create a leveraged practice so it could run without me.
The thing is I was doing a lot of work, moving fast paced and feeling like I was getting nowhere. I got caught in the trap of mistaking movement for achievement.
To make things worse, I felt terrible because at the time I could not see the light at the end of the tunnel. I felt even worse about the situation because I was working harder then I ever have and earning the least I ever had. I felt like I was overworked and underpaid.
The problem was that I felt exhausted all the time, 13 hour days, no time for friends, exercise or personal time and not paying myself and regretted starting the business and wished I could go and work for someone else again with no stress. Which meant potentially losing the business, losing quality of life, health, pride and hope for the future.
That’s when I attended a Tony Robbins event in sydney and Tony would constantly talk about how you and how resourceful you are is everything and how It dawned on me that I was the solution to my problems. How I needed to change first for my business situation to change and another thing I picked up is he would always talk about not reinventing the wheel, there are people out there who have achieved what you want to achieve. All you need to do is model them and ask for their help and have them hold you accountable.
It was now crystal clear to me how to grow my business. It was to model successful allied health practices + get coaching for accountability so I can implement what I know already works. All In needed to do is to find successful people in the industry and model what they did to be successful. because I saw I could turn decades into days, I could grow my business in 3 years in what normally would take 10..
I also learned that I thought I could do it all myself, I soon found the power in leveraging my coaches’ experience to fast track my businesses success. I realised for me to become successful I needed to stop thinking I can do it all alone, I can achieve quicker success by modelling what works instead.
As a result I Attended 35 live events and completed 7 coaching programs which was 1140 hours of my time amounting to 150K in the last 3 years..
As I did this, I started to make more money which took the pressure away so I could invest into creating systems that freed up my time.
Suddenly, I was getting my time back because other people could work the systems.
My plan was to start Creating systems for my team to execute to keep our service consistent and at a high level.
So I started to document all the processes. But we didn’t stop there.
We then Communicated these processes to every team member .
After that, we refused to complete a task that was repetitive without first creating a process for it.
I can now sleep at night knowing that all of our team members understand what is expected, what to do and know all of our clients receive the highest level of care and attention whoever is looking after them.
We grew 4 team members to 17 in just 2 years. And our google review rating is at 4.8 stars out of 5 and has not dropped due to our growth. We are getting better and our clients are happier while we grow.
I was not only able to be paid the Income I feel I deserve, But im working less hours, and being able to take time off as much as I need to go away in my 4WD campervan when I want some time away from the business, I’ve also been able to stop working 13 hour days and 6 day weeks, because I now Have team members who consistently exceed the expectations of our clients and get results for them because they follow a clear repeatable process.
If you want help in implementing any of these systems into your business then book a discovery call with me today and I will help you identify the 3 changes you can make in your business today to take control back and grow the practice of your dreams.