
Reduce Your Clinical Hours And Increase Your Income

If you’re running a healthcare practice and working in the business, you want to reduce your clinical hours and increase your income. My name is Corey. I’m the owner and founder of Amplify Your Practice. I’m helping busy healthcare business owners create the freedom and grow the practice of their dreams.

I’m also the current CEO of StudioXphys, a very successful healthcare company with multiple locations. So now, if you’re looking to reduce your clinical hours or the hours that you’re spending on the tools, and you want to increase your income, then that’s what we’re going to be talking about today.

Now I see it all the time, and the problem is if you’re not living your life by design and spending too much time working in the business, you could be feeling overworked and underpaid. Now, maybe there’s just no time to work on the company, or you may be working on the business after hours.

That’s not freedom. If you’re spending a little time in the business and not on how to expect your business to grow?

Now, I will show you and teach you how to reduce or eliminate your clinical hours whilst to grow your income. The first step is deciding how many hours you want to work with people. I know I speak to some people; they love being on the tools.

They love helping people. They love doing what they love to do. But unfortunately, some people want to eliminate that side of what they do, and they want to work with zero people and spend their whole time working on the business. 

So the first step is just deciding how many hours is it that you want to be working with people one-on-one. The next step is to set a goal around a date you want to hit those hours or come off the tools altogether. Now, the problem is without a date, you’ll find that you’ll have patients or clients that have been with you for a long time, and you feel guilty by letting them know that you’re going to either be winding down or coming off the tools.

And it’s pretty hard to do. So, what you can do is if you set up a date, it could be three months, six months, 12 months, whatever it is, where you draw a line in the sand, and that’s where things change for you. So, we need to set a date around when we go in and make that happen.

So we’ve got a target that we can aim for. Number three is hiring another practitioner. Suppose you haven’t already got someone who can take your caseload to come in and do a handover with your clients. So you can effectively transfer that trust to them. Now, if you’ve got someone you trust, they’re shadowing you, or you’re moving that trust to another practitioner.

It’s a lot less of a threatening way to say that you’re going to just Palm off your clients to somebody else. By having a practitioner ready to go, who shadowing you and shadowing your clients. It’s much easier to transfer that trust to someone on your team. The next step is to make a date a hard deadline, even if clients want to continue working with you.

If you want to come totally off the tools, you need to be hard on that date and block out everything ahead of that time. Even if clients want to keep working with you, you’ve got to be true to yourself and accurate to what you want.

And even if you want to reduce your clinical hours, you’ve still got people wanting to see you and have absolutely no time. So again, it’s all about transferring that trust. The next thing you can do is if you’ve got people who just really have no other way but to see you and just want to keep seeing you.

I know it can be tricky, but what you can do is predict the prices. So if you’re the type of person who wants to keep operating clinically and wind down if you’re fully booked, Hey, look, why don’t we put the prices up? So you can own the value, then what’s your worth because it’s up to you to decide your worth.

It’s up to you to decide if you’re true to that worth. So you can put up your prices. I know people that have put up their prices a hundred, 200, or 300% and continue to be booked. So the next thing you can do is block out saved hours with clients. 

You can block out time away from seeing clients just to work on the business inside your working time, working week. So you can block out that time that you’d typically be face-to-face and ensure you’ve got that time to work on the business. 

So you can be the person that’s generating more new business that’s helping the team be more successful. That’s reviewing the money and the finance, that’s innovating, that’s hiring, that’s doing what it takes to work on the business so you can reduce your clinical hours and earn more simultaneously. And to me, that’s where true freedom of business comes from, where you go from being the technician to the entrepreneur.

Now I hope that’s helped. Now, if you want help with anything that we’ve gone through or you want a plan, even if it’s a plan to go out and implement on your own. There’s a link around this video somewhere. Click that link. Book a 15-minute discovery call with me, and I’ll take you through a bit of a plan on what you can do to reduce your clinical hours or come totally off the tools. Click that link.

I look forward to chatting with you and speaking to you soon.

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