
8 Ways To Attract More New Clients

If you’re looking for more new clients to your healthcare practice, listen up. My name’s Corey Rickit, and I’m the owner and founder of Amplify Your Practice, helping practice owners like you grow and scale the practice of their dreams. I’m also the current CEO of StudioXPhys, a successful healthcare business with multiple locations.

I’m going to share with you now eight ways you can attract more new clients to your healthcare business. Now, what tends to happen is if you don’t have a flood of new clients being introduced to you, your business can feel like it’s not going anywhere and it’s not growing. So you can either be feeling like it’s stale.

We can lose clients over time. If you want your business to grow, you need to introduce more new clients to what you do and offer. You may not realize your income potential. If you’re relying on the current clients, you have long-term and not replenishing your practices with new ones.

Of course, you definitely wouldn’t be earning money and having the financial freedom you’re fully capable of. And also, if you’re just relying on your current clients, things get in the way. People may be canceling or dropping off. You may find that people are even being discharged in a clinical outcome, which is excellent. But, still, without new clients to replenish the old, you may be suffering in the business’s profitability.

I will teach eight ways to generate new clients for your healthcare practice. The first thing is Google ads. We want to do it on Google. That’s where all eyeballs are.

Where’s the first place that people go when they either hear of you, what you do, or they’re looking for a specific service that may be yours in your area. Then, of course, they’re Googling it. So what we do is we use Google ads to get to the top of Google without spending thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars on things like CEO, which yeah SEO.

Which takes a long time and is quite often a quite expensive process as well. So Google ads are generating interest, bringing it to the top of Google so that people can click on you and then obviously better understand what you do. Next one’s Facebook. Now Facebook, are where a lot of eyeballs are, and the mission with Facebook is to not sell on the platform, but it’s to generate interest in what you do. So we call it to have people come off Facebook onto a sales page or a landing page. 

And then, on that landing page, we start selling people into booking online or giving you a call. So the next thing is SEO. Now SEO is probably not the best idea to try and tackle on your own.

If you’re going down the SEO pathway, I highly recommend getting someone who knows the game and hiring them to help create more SEO for you. The next one is GPs. Now GPs are a critical way to generate more new clients for what you do. The only tricky thing about GPS is you’ve got to go out, and you’ve got to make yourself known to them.

Also, GPs are great because you can create referrals that cost you nothing. You’ve just got to know how to do it—the next one’s database. Now you’re sitting on a gold mine. If you have a database of clients, past and present, that you can reach out to, you can educate and motivate them to come back and get the care they need.

The next is word of mouth. It can be the best reward for your services. Word-of-mouth referrals don’t tend to happen. It’s good to have a strategy to make sure they’re working for you and people coming in on demand.

The next one is networking meetings. Again, the more you know, the more people you know, the more people you network with, and the better that you will be known in the industry. And you are known for that thing. And the more you’ll be able to have people attracted to you rather than you having to push onto people.

Now, the last one is a business networking group. There’s some in this country, BNI. There are many networking breakfasts you can be a part of. But, again, if you want it to generate more new clients quickly, go out there network and be a part of a networking group that helps you create more new referrals.

Now there are the eight things you can do pretty much straight away to go out into the market and generate new clients. So if you want help to work through or create a plan for you on how you can implement those things that we went through in your business, click the link around this video somewhere and book a discovery call with me.

It’s a discovery call where we’ll talk for 15 minutes, and we’ll create a plan for you to go out there and either implement on your own or look at seeing what help you can get along the way. So I hope that helps and have a great day.

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